4. Findings from the calculation

Analysis consideration of Figures 2 and 3 and of the results calculation in general form of the net torque for the device, similar to "Indian wheel", Appendix 1 – Calculation in general form the net torque of the device, similar to "Indian wheel".) suggest the following conclusions:

  1. In general, the calculation is naturally has shown with reasonable accuracy that the net torque, produced by all sixteen movable loads, is equal zero, i.e. this device, as well as any other similar, could not provide the prolonged rotation through the use solely the kinetic energy of the gravitational field. And this corresponds to the fundamental concept of the physics - to the Law of Conservation of Energy, as well as to the feature of a potential character of gravity field of the Earth, concerning the equality to zero of the work of the force impact on a physical object that had been moved along the closed trajectory.
  2. Rotation of the disk can begin and continue for a long time only under the influence of an external rotating force (external with respect to the impact of gravity). After the cessation of external influence the disk can make a few turns, and after that the rotation ceases. The system inevitably comes to a state of stable equilibrium. The number of possible positions of disk stoppings is equal to the number of inclined paths for moving of the loads.
  3. Due to results of the calculation in general form has become possible to assess the specific contribution of each movable load into the net torque, depending on the location of its center of gravity on the motion path, by substituting the appropriate real physical characteristics into the deduced formulas.
  4. The torques which are generated by the pair of loads in the positions of the a2 and a16 (See Fig. 2) mutually cancel each other out, since these loads are located at the opposite sides from the vertical line perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the disk and passing through the center of the disk “O”, and are equidistant from it. The same happens with the torques, which are being generated by the pair of loads in the positions of the a3 and a15.
  5. Digital relations of the quantities torques that are created by the movable loads show at what points the ways the impact of gravity on their centers of gravity accelerates the rotation, but where produces the greatest inhibition to rotation. The most impediment to the rotation takes place in the sector A8OA11 (Fig. 2), where the centers of gravity of the movable loads are moving away from the axis of rotation of the disk on the maximum distance, and torques of these loads have the negative direction.


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The main positive conclusion from the results of the calculation is as follows:

If by using an external force will succeed oppose to the gravitational impact to the loads, during their movement in the sector A8OA11 (Fig. 2), the external impact that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, the negative impact of gravity into this part of the trajectory movement of loads can be reduced to zero. The states of stable equilibrium in the system will be excluded. As a result of such impact of the external force, the net torque of the disk will be determined only by the summary torque, which will be produced by the loads due to the arising into the other sectors of rotation unequal-arm levers of rotation around the common axis. Prolonged rotation of the disk will become possible. At this a necessary condition for ensuring the possibility of rotation is that the magnitude of the resulting torque must ensure total overcoming the rotational resistance produced by a payload on the motor shaft, friction, heat and other factors which prevent rotation.

Thus, the calculation has allowed discover an opportunity to harness the kinetic energy of the gravitational impact for long-term rotation of such devices.


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Further, the questions arise:

This page was last modified on July 03, 2019
